Archive for the ‘Diverticular disease’ Category

I Can’t Keep Up with Ginny!

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Back in February, The Wedge Natural Foods Co-op in Minneapolis printed an article by Jennette Turner, My Vegan Challenge to Oprah, in which she disparages vegan diets. The Wedge just printed an alternative view, Vegan Diets: Sorting Through the Myths, written by co-author of Vegan For Life, Ginny Messina. There should be nothing new here for readers, but it’s a great overview of vegan diets.

Ginny also has an article about a recent report from EPIC-Oxford, Vegetarian and vegan diets protect against diverticular disease, on from July 29, 2011. I will be updating with this info just as soon as I can get around to it.