Vitamin K2 & Cardiovascular Disease Wrap-Up

I have finally finished researching vitamin K2 and heart disease. I've already published all of the research summaries in this blog, so I will not repeat them again here. However, if you would like to see all of them in one place, check out Vitamin K2 and Cardiovascular Disease at

Here is a summary:

Preliminary evidence suggests that vitamin K2 could reduce the risk of heart disease, but the research is mixed and the positive findings come from only one country. More research is needed. If vitamin K2 reduces the risk of heart disease, it does not mean that eating animal products high in vitamin K2 will also reduce the risk, since animal products often contain other components that may increase the risk of heart disease more than vitamin K2 decreases it. Clinical trials are needed and, luckily, at least one is underway (1).


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1. Kroon A. The Effects of Vitamin K2 Supplementation on the Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification. NCT01002157. | link

3 Responses to “Vitamin K2 & Cardiovascular Disease Wrap-Up”

  1. Dan Says:

    Yes but that trial looks like a surrogate marker driven study, and maybe not the best one (CAC). Statins for example consistently reduce cardiovascular events yet do not retard CAC progression. CAC has not been consistently shown to be a reducible/reversible predictor of lower CV event rates under therapy.

  2. Sue Says:

    This is months over, sorry. I assume as you refer to all of these studies “K2” it means K2 as MK4 from animal products, not K2 as MK7 from natto. So all of these studies supplements were MK4, not MK 7

  3. Jack Norris RD Says:


    Only this clinical trial discerned between variants of vitamin K2:

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