Vitamin D Deficiency
November 15th, 2009 by Jack Norris RDHere is an email exchange I recently had:
November 06, 2009
Hi Jack,
I’ve been vegan for almost two years and am wondering about a skin condition I recently developed. I have a red flaky patch of skin right below the corner of my lip and above both eyelids. The patch is not itchy or yellowish, so I suspect it is not eczema. I am wondering if the patches are the result of a vitamin deficiency. I used to take a multivitamin, but I quit taking it because my skin took on a yellowish hue, especially in the winter when I eat more squash (and my doctor thought I might be getting too much beta-carotene). I now only take a B-complex vitamin. Is it possible that the skin patches are a sign that I’m not getting enough of a particular vitamin?
My response:
A lack of vitamin D can cause psoriasis in some cases, but other than D and B-vitamins, which it sounds like you are good on, I don’t know what it might be or if it is likely to be nutrition-related. It’s definitely not a common complaint I hear from people who are vegan.
November 14, 2009
Dear Jack,
I saw my primary care doctor this week and she speculated that I might have a vitamin D deficiency. I began taking supplements and going outside for 30 minutes a day around noon. The patches have all but disappeared in a matter of days. Just wanted to let you know in case you ever come across any other individuals with the same condition. I have since read more about the health problems associated with vitamin D deficiency, and I am thankful my deficiency manifested itself in a way that I was able to take notice and do something about it.
Addendum Nov 15, sent from a different reader:
I had ‘eczema’ for years every winter and when I started taking Vitamin D2, 2000 IU, it went away for good. I also had my 25-hydroxy-Vitamin D level tested and it was at the very lowest end of normal…. Any skin condition that’s worse in the winter (where UV is low in the winter) I would suspect Vitamin D deficiency.