LiveScience: Did Alternative Medicine Kill Steve Jobs?

I thought this was an interesting, short article worth passing on: Did Alternative Medicine Kill Steve Jobs?

(Thanks, Matt.)

3 Responses to “LiveScience: Did Alternative Medicine Kill Steve Jobs?”

  1. DaveD Says:

    FYI here’s a lengthier version:

  2. Name (required) Says:

    It’s a good example of the uncritical fluff journalism I despise, thank you. (No approval for me now?)

    I thought this was an interesting, long article worth passing on:

  3. Jack Norris RD Says:


    I approve you when you have something I think is worth adding rather than just a dig at someone. If you gave me your real email address, I could discuss some of them with you, although I think I’ve only blocked one of your comments in quite some time. I realize you want to stay anonymous to me, which is fine.

    As for the article about Steve Jobs, I’m usually not a huge fan of “balanced” journalism, but given that there is such wide a range of people’s opinions of cancer treatment (from you shouldn’t do it at all to it’s all you should try to do), I thought the article did a good job of pointing out that there can be a variety of possibilities.

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