I have a few tidbits:
1. I recently did an interview with Animal Voices:
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vegan Nutrition But Were Afraid to Ask, Part 1
This was different than my typical interview as the host, Erin Sullivan, asked a lot of interesting questions that I don’t normally get, but that I think many vegans are wondering about. We weren’t able to cover everything, so there will be a Part 2.
2. Please share this blog!
I was talking to a vegan advocate and supporter of this blog and we were trying to figure out how to get the information about staying healthy out to more vegans. The best thing we came up with is just for vegans who know about it, to share it with others. I know that some people might be hesitant to share my information because it can make a vegan diet seem hard, but here is an example of where it has paid off which I received just today:
“I directly credit my final willingness to make that leap [to becoming vegan] to your nutritional research presentation, especially as veganism applies to athletes. That information, presented so honestly, specifically, and with no misleading window-dressing or skewing of facts, is what gave me the confidence to try it out and we are thriving!”
It is important that vegans make sure they get enough calcium, vitamin B12, and iodine so that down the road, they don’t have an irreversible health problem. This doesn’t only help them, but it will prevent them from going on to tell everyone how unhealthy a vegan diet made them. In addition to sharing this blog, sharing the nutrition recommendations for vegans at VeganHealth.org can also help vegans who might otherwise have no idea about such things.
3. My favorite vegan dietitian, Ginny Messina, has some Easy Resolutions for a Healthy Vegan New Year that are worth checking out!
Happy new year, everyone!