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Veg Diets and Hypothyroidism in AHS-2

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

I have just added data on hypothyroidism and vegetarian diets from Adventist Health Study-2 to Disease Rates of Vegetarians and Vegans. I have reprinted it below except for the table showing the rates for each diet group which you can see by clicking on the link to the article above.

In 2013, rates of hypothyroidism in AHS2 were published (1). Rates were reported both cross-sectionally at baseline and prospectively after about 4-6 years of follow-up (exact number not specified).

For the cross-sectional arm, lacto-ovo vegetarians were more likely to have been treated for hypothyroidism in the previous year, although the statistical significance was not strong (1.09, 1.01-1.18). There were no other statistically significant findings, although vegans had a trend towards less hypothyroidism in the prospective arm (0.78, 0.59-1.03).

According to the authors, “While vegan diets are associated with lower body weight, which may protect against hypothyroidism, the lower risk among vegans existed even after controlling for [body mass index] and potential demographic confounders.” It would have been interesting to see what the results were without adjusting for body mass index, but that information wasn’t reported.

Interestingly, adding salt to foods more often was associated with increased hypothyroidism among the entire population. Whether the salt was iodized was not determined (it likely was since most table salt in the U.S. is iodized).


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1. Tonstad S, Nathan E, Oda K, Fraser G. Vegan diets and hypothyroidism. Nutrients. 2013 Nov 20;5(11):4642-52. | link

Dr. Greger: DVD News

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

Dr. Greger has recently released Volume 16 of his Latest in Clinical Nutrition DVD series. And, all of his DVDs are now available for downloading, too.

Volume 16, of which the tri-weekly videos are now running, includes some interesting info on meeting an “RDA” for antioxidants.

Check it out at!

Oxalate – Kind of a Big Deal

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Since my post of November 22, Calcium Chart Updated – Calcium Absorption Modified, I have had some correspondence with an oxalate researcher at the University of Wyoming, Dr. Michael Liebman. He told me that the numbers I was using from the USDA were not accurate and that new methodologies are providing more accurate numbers.

So I replaced the USDA numbers with those from a table put out by Harvard School of Public Health, Oxalate Content of Foods.xls. These updates resulted in no changes regarding which greens are good sources of absorbable calcium.

And with that housekeeping out of the way, the moment I have been pursuing since mid-October is finally upon us – my article on oxalate is finished! I do not suspect that it is, by any means, the final word on oxalate and the vegan diet, but it’s a good start.

Why do I care so much about a silly little molecule like oxalate? Well, at the time I started the article, oxalate was, by far, the most popular topic people were writing me about.

In the past, I had been aware of the issue with calcium absorption from high-oxalate greens, of course, and that oxalate plays a role in kidney stones. But what I was not aware of was that there is an entire community that considers oxalate to be the source of their health problems.

This is not an entirely unusual phenomenon – there are many foods, or components of foods, that communities have sprung up around in order to help each other avoid as the underlying mechanism for their health problems. But oxalate is kind of a big deal because it is hard to eat a low-oxalate vegan diet, and in my search for things that might be causing some vegans failure to thrive, after looking into oxalate, I think there might be something to this one.

I read about 70 papers relating to oxalate and the article, Oxalate, summarizes that research in more detail than most of my readers probably care to know. I have put the main points in the Summary, which I have reproduced below.

If you read the summary, you will see that I suggest that vegans, and especially vegans who might have oxalate issues, eat high-calcium foods or take calcium supplements with meals. There is some evidence that this can hamper iron absorption. So if you are someone prone to iron deficiency, this would be something to monitor and I will probably have more to say about iron absorption on low-oxalate vegan diets in future posts.

I also hope to put together some low-oxalate vegan menu plans in the near future.

I’d like to thank Mimi Clark of Mimi Clark’s Vegan Cooking Classes for her help with my oxalate research. She may soon be adding low- to moderate-oxalate recipes to her site and says vegans can write her for ideas for eating low-oxalate as a vegan.

And here is the Summary from the article, Oxalate:


Oxalate is a molecule many in the vegan community are familiar with for preventing the absorption of calcium. This article does not address that subject – info can be found in the article Calcium and Vitamin D.

Oxalate is also known for the part it plays in calcium-oxalate kidney stones, which is the most common form of kidney stone.

In many cases, getting a kidney stone is a one time thing and does not occur again. Increasing fluid intake can cut the incidence of getting another stone in half. Cutting down on the amount of oxalate in the diet is another strategy for reducing stone recurrence. Some calcium-oxalate stone formers are prescribed potassium-citrate tablets which are also effective at reducing stones.

Oxalate is generally not found in animal products while many plant foods are moderate or high, and some are extremely high (such as spinach, beets, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rhubarb, and swiss chard). Despite this, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people following a plant-based eating pattern had a lower occurrence of kidney stones (1).

There is no research on kidney stone frequency in vegans, though anecdotally I know of some who have gotten stones. Of course, I also know of meat-eaters who have gotten kidney stones. But is the average vegan at a higher or lower risk? Vegan diets are higher in some elements that increase the risk of stones, lower in some, and higher in some things that prevent stones, so it is hard to say.

But the story regarding oxalate does not end with kidney stones.

There is currently an entire community built around the idea that absorbing too much oxalate, known as enteric hyperoxaluria, either causes or exacerbates many diseases such as fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, depression, arthritis, autism, and a variety of digestive disorders (which, in turn, exacerbate hyperoxaluria by allowing even more oxalate to be absorbed).

According to, leaky gut syndrome, in which molecules are absorbed from the digestive tract at a higher than normal rate, can cause hyperoxaluria. They also say that you cannot rely on getting a kidney stone as a warning sign before oxalate accumulates in other tissues.

There is not much research (on humans) regarding hyperoxaluria and diseases other than kidney stones and vulvodynia, so it is hard to say much about them with any certainty. However, many people have reported improved health on a low-oxalate diet and given the high amount of oxalate in some plant foods, it might be a good idea for vegans to be aware of this issue and not eat unusually high amounts of these foods.

Here are some other tips for minimizing problems from oxalate:

  • Boil high-oxalate leafy greens and discard the water.
  • Meet the RDA for calcium. Eat high-calcium foods or take calcium with meals; calcium citrate if you have a history of calcium-oxalate stones.
  • Drink plenty of fluid.
  • Do not include large amounts of high-oxalate vegetables in your green smoothies.
  • Do not take large amounts of vitamin C.

If you have a history of calcium-oxalate kidney stones or suspect you have hyperoxaluria, there are a few more things you can do such as limit oxalate as much as possible, add citrate to your diet (through orange or lemon juice, or calcium citrate), minimize added fructose and sodium, or try a probiotic supplement.

Please see the Contents for quick links to more details about all of these topics as well as tables of the oxalate content of foods and other helpful resources.

I highly recommend anyone with digestive disorders to check out that section of Oxalate.


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Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet from


1. Taylor EN, Fung TT, Curhan GC. DASH-style diet associates with reduced risk for kidney stones. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Oct;20(10):2253-9. | link

Main Street Vegan Interview now Available

Friday, December 6th, 2013

My December 4th interview with Victoria Moran of Main Street Vegan is now available from these 2 places:

Unity Website

We talked about the basic nutrients vegans need to pay attention to, the benefits of a vegan diet, and whether a 100% unprocessed foods diet is better than a diet that includes processed foods.

Main Street Vegan Interview on Dec 4

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Victoria Moran of Main Street Vegan will be interviewing me on Wednesday, December 4th, 3:00 pm Eastern Time / Noon Pacific Time.

You can listen live at the Main Street Vegan website and call in with questions: 888-558-6489 (U.S.), 816-347-5519 (outside the U.S).

Calcium Chart Updated – Calcium Absorption Modified

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

For the last many weeks, I have been in an undisclosed location working on an article on oxalates. I think it has been my 3rd biggest project to date, the other two being the epic adventure Vitamin B12: A Love Story followed by Soy: What’s the Harm?

But before I release the article on oxalates, I am writing to let you know that upon getting a bit more information about the oxalate content of foods and re-analyzing the data, I have expanded and moved the table Calcium & Oxalate Content of Foods to a new page and also slightly modified the absorption category for some greens:

– Studies have shown that calcium in fortified soymilk, bok choy, kale, and mustard greens is absorbed well.
– Based on oxalate levels, the calcium in turnip greens, watercress, and broccoli should also be absorbed well.
– Based on oxalate levels, the calcium in collards should be absorbed moderately well.
– Studies have shown that the calcium in spinach and rhubarb is not absorbed well.
– Based on oxalate levels, the calcium in beet greens and swiss chard should not be absorbed well.

I know a lot of people have oxalate stories, but please do not send me any links to oxalate info before I publish my piece! Once it comes out, I’ll be happy to receive any info you think I have missed. Thanks!


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Jack on the Dr. Don Show

Monday, November 4th, 2013

I was interviewed by Dr. Don Wagner on The Dr. Don Show last week and the mp3 is now up. We talked about very low cholesterol most of the time.

Dr. Don was very gracious in letting me talk over him much of the time!

Click Here to Listen


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Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet from


Thursday, October 17th, 2013

About six weeks ago, just for kicks, I bought a bottle of adenosylcobalamin which is one of the co-enzyme forms of vitamin B12 (the other one being methylcobalamin). I have previously bought methylcobalamin and experimented with it (finding no effects). But in my 25 years of being vegan, I had never tried adenosylcobalamin. So for the last six weeks, I’ve been taking 3,000 µg per day on most days. If I have experienced any health changes from them, I haven’t noticed it.

But during this time, I have also been corresponding with someone who has been struggling with fatigue on a vegan diet and he claims that adenosylcobalamin has been helping him. I checked out some of the links he provided of other people who claim the same thing and added this paragraph to Alternatives to Cyanocobalamin: Methylcobalamin & Adenosylcobalamin:

“I am unaware of any clinical trials testing the various forms of vitamin B12 against each other among the general population and most people seem to do well using cyanocobalamin. But some people with chronic fatigue report getting more relief from adenosylcobalamin than either methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin (more info), while other people report feeling better only when taking both co-enzyme forms (adenosyl- and methyl-).”

I am not necessarily convinced that adenosylcobalamin was the reason for any of these people’s improvements as they are typically trying other things as well and there is also the placebo effect to consider, but the claim has become common enough that until more research is done, it is worth considering.


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Sharon Palmer, RD Interviews Me

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Today on her blog, Sharon Palmer, RD is running An Interview with Jack Norris, co-founder of Vegan Outreach.

Sharon is the author of the popular and highly acclaimed book, The Plant-Powered Diet, and I was honored to be interviewed by her!

VeganOstomy Blog

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

A few months ago a vegan who was going to have ileostomy surgery contacted me to find out if I had any information on how to be vegan. I didn’t have much to help him. Since then, he successfully had the surgery, is feeling a lot better, and started a blog about being vegan with an ileostomy, aptly titled VeganOstomy.

I have added a link to the Digestion page at


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